Posts Tagged ‘cheat’


8 Signs You May be Getting Cheated on

Friday, July 8th, 2011

Here are a lot of signs you can read into to figure out if your partner is cheating on you.  While it always hurts when you realize someone you love isn’t being honest; it’s always better to find out sooner rather than later.  Here’s a list of my top 8.

1. Nagging

If, all of the sudden, your partner begins nagging you for every little thing, there’s a chance they have a nagging feeling of guilt that makes them need to lash out at you. Constant nagging, after a relatively nag free relationship is a huge clue.

2. Deflection

You used to be able to have a conversation without your partner trying to NOT answer simple questions.  Now, they become defensive for what would seem to be no reason.  A huge key to this is when you ask them a question and they hesitate or repeat the question back to you.  This usually means they are trying to come up with a plausible answer.

3. Priorities

Your relationship used to be the center of the universe and you had many implied dates set for each week.  Now, your partner is finding less and less time to spend with you and more with their new affair.

4. Sexy is back

You may like your partner just the way they are, but that won’t stop them from trying to dazzle their new fling. Just as you tried to impress each other at the beginning of your relationship, they’ll try to impress their new flame with a sudden urge to improve their style, and alter their physical appearance for the new fling in their life. So, while their desire to look sexier is one thing, not caring about your opinion on the matter is quite another.

5. Autonomy

One of the biggest signs they’re cheating on you is their breaking away from your little two-person unit to become more autonomous. He has dropped “we” from his vocabulary in favor of “I.” Moreover, he does more things on his own and stops consulting you about future plans. In short, he conducts himself in ways that hint that he no longer needs you to hold his hand. Whether he’s hoping you’ll leave him or simply looking for more time to lead his “double life,” it’s safe to conclude that he wants you out of the picture — he just can’t build up the nerve to leave you.

6. No Sex

When your relationship was new, the two of you were full of passion and open to spontaneous lovemaking. Now it’s all a bit iffy, whereby you’re rarely hitting the sheets and you’re only doing so if and when she feels like it.

On a slightly more ego-bashing note, she may suddenly become bored by your performance and appear to be thinking about someone else when you do make love. Cheating may be wrong, but you can’t deny that unlawful sex is usually more exhilarating. So, if you can no longer satisfy her sexually, someone else may be rubbing her the right way.

7. Secretive Schedule

He may claim to no longer have time for any extracurricular activities with you, yet he has one foot out the door the minute one of his friends calls. Either that or he has been “going away on business” one too many times. And when he does leave, his whereabouts are sketchy at best and you are somehow always the last to know.

Disclosing his itinerary to you at the last minute and overlooking your plans in the process can mean many things, one of which isn’t that he’s forgetting, but rather leaving you out.

8. Family Detachment

The fact that he no longer wants to attend your family’s functions or hang with your friends is one of our signs he’s cheating on you. This sign may be indicative of cheater’s remorse on his part, which means that he likely feels guilty about cheating. The less he immerses himself in your circles (which contain people who are painful reminders of his sins), the less mental anguish he’ll have to endure.


So what did we miss? What are some of your signs that you can tell someone has been unfaithful?